Monday, January 17, 2011

FC Flashback: "Family Drama"

Ah, the summer of 1991.

What was not to love, right? Boyz II Men was on the radio, rollerblades were tearing up the sidewalks, neon was on its way out and grunge on its way in.

I was eleven. I had no concept of trendy fashion or music, all I knew was that I loved really big earrings and I was born to be a movie star. To add to the awkwardness, I was just coming off of three years of home-schooling.

Here is some proof:

I would like to point out a few observations for you.

Claire takes every opportunity to look cute. Totally overrated.

My cousin Amy has a SPECTACULAR perm. It almost takes my breath away.

I am not sure whose glasses I am wearing. However I do know they were large and I couldn't see out of them. And they pretty much made my outfit.

We were rehearsing a musical theater number. And we were magnificent.


  1. I love your blog!! and your humor!

  2. Love the glasses. Love the pic... I started dating your cousin a few months after it was taken. Yikes. How old AM I???

    I will never forget that Christmas - when I met all of you and the 3,986 cousins. And tried to keep them straight. I highly recommend before anyone else joins this family, that we print up a family tree to help with the first time a person meets the WHOLE FAMILIY at once....
