Friday, January 25, 2013

The Weekend Itinerary

Do you know what I love? I love that you all care about hair and understand the complex relationship we have with it, almost like it is a third arm or a child or something.

Thanks for the advice, warnings, encouragement and cheerleading. If I actually do go through with it and cut it off, you are officially invited to come and hold my hand. Or sit and knit. Whichever.

Speaking of which, I am also loving this cut:

There's a little more to it, not so drastic. But it is still short and funky and feminine. It's really darling, don't you think?

Moving on to more important things, let's talk weekend plans. It is Friday, my most favorite day of the week! I love this day because anything is possible when we are unencumbered by our daily routines.

Unless, of course, you work on the weekends.

Or, you are a mom.

In both cases, today is just like any other day. Hang in there.

This weekend is going to be special. Women's Group is celebrating our 10th anniversary! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? Well, you probably can since I have only been blogging for three years and many of you still think it is weird that we call ourselves "Women's Group."

Regardless, we are going to spend the weekend downtown and enjoy a little pampering, fine dining, and an overnight stay where we all stay in one hotel room! It is going to be highly entertaining followed by very little sleep! It should be fabulous!

First, however, I am entertaining an overnight guest: the son of my brother and the nephew of my sister. He is 7 going on 17 and has already placed an order for all the bacon he can possibly eat for Saturday breakfast.

He is my most favorite boy.

To round out the weekend, my plan is to nap before and after the WG excursion and to catch the latest episode of Downton Abbey on Sunday night before I fall into bed and pray for a snow day on Monday. Let's just hope poor Edith continues to recover from being jilted at the altar by a very old man.

So there you have it. I hope your weekend is full of wonderful things too!

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